The Alabama Power Foundation is now accepting applications for the 2023 Gateway grants cycle.
The Gateway program supports economic development and tourism in Alabama communities by providing grants of up to $2,500 to fund welcome signs, marketing materials and website development.
In 2022, the foundation awarded 24 Gateway grants totaling more than $59,000 to support communities across the state – part of its longstanding commitment to elevating Alabama. Included in last year’s winning cycle was the City of Abbeville Downtown Beautification project.
“The Gateway grant has helped us promote making our city better than before,” said Melissa Wilson, Abbeville city clerk.
“We are progressing forward and creating a more beautiful downtown area by adding decorative banner flags in place of the older flags, which required much upkeep. Our city is grateful for this opportunity to do great things in the community,” Wilson said.
Helping pay for decorative signs is one of several ways Gateway grants from the Alabama Power Foundation can be used to support a city’s marketing efforts. (contributed)
The deadline for cities, towns and communities to apply for a Gateway grant is Oct. 20. For more information and to apply, click here. More than 190 Gateway grants have been awarded since the program launched in 2012.
Gateway is one of several grant programs funded by the Alabama Power Foundation. Since its creation in 1989 with funds donated by shareholders, the foundation has supported Alabama communities, educational institutions and nonprofits with non-ratepayer dollars through more than 20,000 grant and scholarship awards.
To learn more about the Alabama Power Foundation and to view its most recent annual report, visit