You might miss important communications from Alabama Power if your account’s phone number, address or email address are outdated. While inaccurate contact information might not seem like a serious problem, especially if you have automatic payments set up, it could become a real issue. If your contact information is outdated, you might get behind on your bill or miss critical alerts and updates.
Here are the top three reasons to keep your contact information for Alabama Power up to date.
Reason #1: Payment Alerts & Reminders
Correct contact information is essential to ensure you don’t miss a bill. You can receive payment alerts and reminders via text or email. If your account’s phone number or email is out of date, you might miss these critical alerts and reminders.
Reason #2: Manage Your Power Usage
Have you set up My Power Usage Alerts to manage your electricity costs? The company’s My Power Usage tool allows you to create an energy threshold to help you stick to an energy budget.
Receiving email alerts that let you know when you’ve exceeded your daily energy threshold can help you take control of your household’s electricity use. But if the email on your account is incorrect, you could miss out on these helpful alerts.
Reason #3: Outage Alerts
Alabama often experiences severe weather, ranging from tropical storms and hurricanes to tornadoes and flash floods. During storms, your power can sometimes blink, flicker or go off. Outage Alerts provide you with real-time information about power outages. If you’ve signed up for alerts via text, email or phone call but haven’t updated your contact information, you might miss important information about when the power will be restored.
How to Update Your Contact Information
Never miss an important alert or communication from Alabama Power by keeping your contact information up to date. If you need to change your account information, follow these simple steps.
If you have trouble logging into your account online, call 1-800-245-2244. Our customer service team is available to assist Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. CST. When you call, please have your billing information (account number and access code found on your paper bill) on hand.
Receive email and text alerts on your usage to help you stay within your energy budget.
Manage UsageGet real-time outage information about your property sent directly to you via text, email or phone call.
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